Thursday 29 March 2012

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is one of the types or branches of internet marketing. Internet marketing is the process of marketing products or services through the internet. There are numerous types of internet marketing which include search engine optimization, display advertising or pay per click, social media optimization and affiliate marketing. Email marketing is also among the types of internet marketing which involves sending promotional and advertising emails to a group of people.

Email marketing involves sending emails to potential customers and existing customers. Businesses send promotional emails to people in order to introduce their business and the services or product which they offer and to increase their customers. After reading these promotional emails, a fraction of the individuals who receive the email might be interested in acquiring the products or services offered. Existing customers are sent emails only enhance customer relationship and to encourage customer loyalty.

There are numerous advantages of email marketing, for example, borders are no obstacles in email marketing and email marketing offers a global reach. No matter in which country do you live, if you want to attract the potential customers of another country then email marketing can be the right type of marketing for you. The costs associated with email marketing are extremely low as well as compared to other forms of marketing. The designing, executing, testing and sending expenses are incredibly low. Email marketing involves much lesser time, money and resources as compared to other types of marketing.

Email marketing does not mean that you will only be sending dull text emails to potential customers, but you can also use videos, graphics, music, games and other interesting things to attract your potential customers. This grabs the attention of the receiver of the email and allows the receiver to interact with you. Since every email has a greeting, thus email marketing is highly personalized. You can use the greeting according to your target audience.

Email marketing works even while you are not in the office. It is a round the clock marketing because the emails which you sent will be checked and read by the receivers in different times. You only have to send the emails once and the receivers will be reading the emails round the clock. One of the most important advantages of email marketing is that the results of the email marketing campaign are quantifiable and measurable. There are specific tools which can present you the click through rate, the conversion rate and other standards by which you can access the success or failure of your email marketing campaign.

These days custom-built lists of email addresses are easily available so you can easily find the list which might target the audience which you want to target so email marketing is highly targeted marketing. You can send emails to people who you think will be most interested to buy the products or the services which you offer. You can target your audience based on geography, income, age, sex, and other factors.

The response which is received through an email marketing campaign is unbelievable and incredible. Individuals who have not tried email marketing think that all the receivers of the emails simply delete the emails without even opening the emails but actually the response of email marketing is really great and keeping in view the costs involved in email marketing, the return on investment is great.

Moreover, the task of running an email marketing campaign is very simple. You do not need many technical resources to run this campaign and anyone can even launch an email marketing campaign while sitting at home. 

1 comment:

  1. One of the effetive marketing techniques to gain customers or clients is email marketing.
